Is food suitable for dogs with diabetes?
At the moment we don't provide a prescription diet for diabetes, but we can provide a recipe that's tailored to the needs of dogs with diabetes. We're proud to say that many dogs with diabetes are enjoying a diet.
Can you help with my dog's recipe?
If your dog has diabetes, please contact us (once you've started your dog's profile), with the following information:
Your dog's details:
- What is your dog’s current weight?
- Are they underweight, ideal weight, or overweight?
- How many walks do they go on per day and how long are these?
- What do they currently get fed per day (including dry food, wet food, treats and scraps and the amounts of each)
- Is your Vet happy for your dog to be fed a normal diet (like rather than a prescribed one?
Regarding their diabetes:
- When was their diabetes first diagnosed?
- Is it under control/stable or not?
- What medication or treatment is your dog on?
- Do they have any current symptoms?
- Are there any ingredients your dog absolutely can’t have as we may need to bring in some new ones in order to provide better support (if we do, we’ll let you know)?
If your dog is overweight or underweight:
- Has your dog’s vet given you an ideal weight? Or do you know the weight you'd prefer them to be
If you are a new customer:
- What was your dog fed previously (brand/range/flavour)?
These answers will be passed straight over to our Food and Health Team so they can have a look at your dog's recipe.