How can I view the ingredients in my dog's recipe?
*Please make sure you're logged into your account before following the links below
When you create your dog’s online profile, we’ll give you a full breakdown of the ingredients included in their unique recipe. If you already have a account and would like to view the ingredients within your dog’s recipe, just log into your online Dashboard and follow these steps:
- Choose ‘Feeding plan’ from the menu bar. If you have more than one dog, choose which feeding plan you’d like to view
2. At the bottom of the page, tap the ‘Nutrition & Ingredients’ dropdown to expand this section
You can also find a list of ingredients in your dog's unique recipe printed on their menu card in your box each month.
How do I view the protein, fat and fibre levels of my dog's recipe?
Just follow the instructions above and next to the section where you can see Nutrition & Ingredients you'll be able to see the Analytical constituents of your dog's recipe:
*Ash is not an ingredient that we add to our foods, it is a measure to show their mineral content. Minerals (like calcium, iron and zinc) are essential in a dog's diet to maintain good health, and the levels needed can vary from dog to dog based on their individual requirements.
If your dog has special requirements, such as a higher fibre level, you can get in touch with us and we’ll see what we can do to help.
How do I remove ingredients from my dog's recipe?
If you'd like to exclude any ingredients have a read of this article to find out how you can do this.