Tails.com Home
Your dog and their food
Your dog and their food
Your dog's profile, unique dry recipe, wet food, treats & more
Your dog's profile
Updating your dog's details
Adding a photo to your dog's profile
Adding another dog to your account
Removing a dog from your account
Getting started
Your dog's scoop
Introducing your dog to their new food
Dry food portions
Dry food
Your dog doesn’t like their dry food recipe
Ordering a new scoop
Too much dry food
Too little dry food
Changing the flavour of your dog's recipe
Storing your dog's dry food recipe
Wet Food
I only need wet food
Adding wet food to your order
Wet food range
Storing your dog's wet food
Treats and Extras
Poo bags
Dental Chews
Viewing your dog's dry food ingredients and nutritional breakdown
Excluding ingredients from your dog's recipe
Artificial colours and flavouring
Vegetarian and vegan diets